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PROJECTS | bloomdoggle

In a nutshell...


The Greenfashionistas at Bloom Energy have oversold their technology and its performance at the expense of tax payers. Don't get me wrong, I would like to see technologies like this do their part in the green(er), clean(er) sector. HOWEVER...

...when the public trust is undermined, it's a HUGE problem for me.

Bloom has historically lied about carbon emissions; CO2 emissions are far greater than they advertised for years. I know, because my colleague and I got them to change their ES-5000 Energy Server spec sheets back in October 2014. Have a look here at the evidence.

NB: Bloom renamed the ES5000 to ES5700 with the updates.


They also hid their solid waste (hydrogen sulfide, for starters) that is hazardous and has to be shipped offsite to a location in Texas, and also lied about the need to decoke the fuel cells and blow stuff into the air 3% to 4% of the time. I have the paper trail on this, too.

One example of undermining the public trust involves Delmarva Power. Delmarva Power was supposed to buy wind energy from Bluewater. Then Bloom showed up and convinced the  government to declare shale natural gas as renewable when used in a Bloom Box. Bloom then proceeded to install 134 Bloom boxes at a Delmarva owned substation (Red Lion) in the protected coastal zone of Delaware, which mind you, is illegal.  

All in all, the green guidance documents forbids these practices.


Want to know more?


All the salient and pertinent nuggets, which have been thoroughly researched and validated by Lindsay Leveen on his blog, Green Explored.

You can also review one of my answers on Quora here.

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